Not that I know of. Think about it -- someone would have to create the interface for the image editor (essentially rewriting a graphics program), then have a HUGE disk available for the uploaded files. Neither of these is cheap.
Some of the image editing things (like lightening the entire photo) change every pixel, so it would have to transmit the full megabyte-sized file back to you each time you changed it -- fine if you have a T1 line, but verrrry slow if not.
So you're looking for something which is slow and inefficient, as well as expensive to create and maintain, and you want it for free. Not likely to exist.
You're better off just downloading whatever free programs you can find (Irfanview, Gimp, etc.) and doing it locally. Or take your files to a friend's computer and using his software.
I once created an award-winning website where 99% of the graphics and photos were done and edited with MS Paint and Irfanview because the client wouldn't spring for software which cost money. (I did 2 images at home in Photoshop.)
Is there any website that you can fix your pictures. ex: hair,eyes,color,etc.?
Not that i have ever seen. If you have windows xp you can do it with mspaint. though i would only do simple things.
you need a program to do it with, like ms paint, photoshop. check the cd that came with your camera, it should have some photo editing software that can do simple things like that.
Is there any website that you can fix your pictures. ex: hair,eyes,color,etc.?
Try one of these:
Is there any website that you can fix your pictures. ex: hair,eyes,color,etc.?
Many of the companies that allow you to upload and print pictures such as Costco, Walmart have tools to fix the pictures.
You could also download Picasa from Google.
Is there any website that you can fix your pictures. ex: hair,eyes,color,etc.?
have a look at this site it is pretty decent.
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