Saturday, November 28, 2009

I want to dye my hair brown with light color highlights does anyone have pictures??

hello. so i am going with the hairstylist this saturday and i want to dye my hair chocolate brown with light highlights maybe shades of brown, golden brown something? does anyone have any pictures or sites where i can refer to, as ive been looking everywhere and dont seem to find it; i know she knows whats shes doing but i just want to use it as reference for her to make it easier. thanks~

I want to dye my hair brown with light color highlights does anyone have pictures??

I got my hair done similar to this %26amp; I love it!

Good Luck!

I want to dye my hair brown with light color highlights does anyone have pictures??

If u want to dye ur hair yourself visit wave site suggested by anonymou...If otherwise go to a hair dyer professional.

I want to dye my hair brown with light color highlights does anyone have pictures??

How to Pick the Right Hair Color based on your hair color and undertone to avoid color failure

Tips for all different type of Hairstyles

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